Content Literacy Continuum

The Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) Content Literacy Continuum (CLC) focuses on helping secondary schools develop and sustain comprehensive and integrated literacy programs. This school improvement process is led by a SIM Implementation Team with extensive experience in secondary literacy. The team works with administrators, teachers, and staff to develop and implement a standards-based plan to improve literacy and content area learning tied to student performance on state assessments.

SIM consists of a variety of research-based interventions. Some of these interventions focus on helping teachers think about, adapt, and present critical content in a “learner-friendly” fashion. Some interventions focus on helping students learn the skills and strategies students need to learn content.

CLC Info

Content Literacy Continuum Leaders’ Guidebook

CLC Guidebook CoverThis guidebook was developed to assist school and district leaders in adopting of a school-wide literacy approach, the Content Literacy Continuum (CLC). It presents a step-by-step process to guide administrators and Literacy Leadership Teams through the four phases of CLC adoption: Exploring, Planning, Implementing, and Sustaining. The goal of this guidebook is to assist school and district leaders in developing a school-wide framework of interventions that will ensure that all students learn. 


The Secondary Literacy Instruction and Intervention Guide

This report on secondary literacy, written by the Stupski Foundation, details a host of evidence based practices for adolescent literacy. This is a great resource for anyone considering the CLC.

Please contact for a copy of this report.

CLC in Virginia

The Virginia Department of Education in partnership with the University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning established four demonstration secondary schools in the Content Literacy Continuum (CLC).

Learn more about CLC in Virginia.