Publications by Year
- Carreon, A., Rowland, A., Smith, S., Lowery, A., & Mosher, M. (2024). Designing for Successful Educational Experiences in Virtual Reality Environments. Journal of Special Education Technology, 0(0).
- Mosher, Maggie & Frey, Bruce & Carreon, Adam & Rowland, Amber & Lowrey, K.. (2024). The Technology Immersive Presence Scale (TIPS) Proof of Concept: Creating a Student Accessible Measure of Presence in Virtual Environments. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 35. 101-133.
- Bulgren, J., Minarik, D., & Washburn, J. (2024). Higher order thinking and reasoning through primary source document analysis. In S. Waring (Ed.), Teaching with primary sources for cultural understanding, civic mindedness, and democracy (pp. 47-63).Teachers College Press.
Carreon, Adam & Smith, Sean & Frey, Bruce & Rowland, Amber & Mosher, Maggie. (2023). Comparing immersive VR and non-immersive VR on social skill acquisition for students in middle school with ASD. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 1-14. DOI: 10.1080/15391523.2023.2182851
Jean Bragg Schumaker (2023) The Effects of Four Multimedia Writing Strategy Programs on Secondary Students’ Sentence, Paragraph, and Theme Writing, Exceptionality, DOI:10.1080/09362835.2023.2174985
Sean Smith, Amber Rowland, K. Alisa Lowrey. Formative Assessments in Today’s Digital Learning Environment: WRITE PM for Middle School. Journal: Teaching Exceptional Children, June 2023. DOI: 10.1177/00400599231171672
Washburn, J. & Myers, S. (2023). Adolescents’ perspectives about their connective and digital literacies skills. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
Washburn, J. (2023). Monitoring reading component skills during a word level intervention for adolescents with limited reading proficiency. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice.
Margaret P. Weiss, Jocelyn Washburn, Marilyn Friend, Tammy Barron. Chapter 1: Collaborate with Professionals to Increase Student Success 1. High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions. Edited ByJames McLeskey, Lawrence Maheady, Bonnie Billingsley, Mary T. Brownell, Timothy J. Lewis, Sheila Alber- Morgan. Routledge Publishing. 2023.
Jocelyn Washburn, Bonnie Billingsley. Chapter 2: Organize and Facilitate Effective Meetings with Professionals and Families. High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions. Edited ByJames McLeskey, Lawrence Maheady, Bonnie Billingsley, Mary T. Brownell, Timothy J. Lewis, Sheila Alber-Morgan. Routledge Publishing. 2023.
Mary Frances Rice & Kelsey R. Ortiz (2022): Parents of children with special educational needs’ shared work in fully online learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. DOI: 10.1080/15391523.2022.2030269
Myers, S. & Washburn, J. (2022). Increasing Teacher Access to Instructional Coaching Through Virtual Tools: Advantageous Before, During, and After the Pandemic. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(3), 377-405.
Schreiber, T. & Washburn, J. (2022). Strategic Instruction Opens Doors to Learning for Your Child. Youth Connections Magazine. Sept. 2022.
Schumaker, Jean. (2022). Lessons Learned during the Development and Validation of an Intensive Evidence‐Based Reading Intervention for Secondary Students. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 37: 294-313.
Mcleskey, James & Maheady, Lawrence & Billingsley, Bonnie & Brownell, Mary & Lewis, Timothy. (2022). High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms, Second Edition. DOI:10.4324/9781003148609. Chapter 2 by Jocelyn Washburn & Bonnie Billingsley
Joseph B. Fisher, Jean B. Schumaker. 35 Years on the Road from Research to Practice: A Review of Studies on Four Content Enhancement Routines for Inclusive Subject-Area Classes, Part II. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 36(3):258-272. August 2021. DOI: 810.1111/ldrp.122599
Brasseur-Hock, Irma & Miller, Whitney & Washburn, Jocelyn & Christ, Alyson & Hock, Michael. (2021). The effects of a comprehensive and supplemental middle school reading program. International Journal for Research in Learning Disabilities. 25-41. 10.28987/5.1.25.
Martha D. Elford, PhD; Heather Haynes Smith, PhD; Susanne James, PhD. GET Feedback: Giving, Exhibiting, and Teaching Feedback in Special Education Teacher Preparation. Slack Incorporated. 2021.
Ortiz, K.R., Rice, M.F., Curry, T., Mellard, D., & Kennedy, K. (2021) Parent Perceptions of Online School Support for Children with Disabilities. American Journal of Distance Education. 35:4, 276-292. DOI: 10.1080/08923647.2021.1979343
Rice, M.F., Ortiz, K.R. (2021). Evaluating Digital Instructional Materials for K-12 Online and Blended Learning. TechTrends 65, 977–992. DOI:10.1007/s11528-021-00671-z
Amber Lynn Rowland, Suzanne Myers, Martha D. Elford, Sean Smith. (2021). Coaching Virtually to Support Professional Learning. Journal of Special Education Technology. August 2021. DOI:1210.1177/01626434211036098
Jean B. Schumaker, PhD, Lisa D. Walsh, PhD, Joseph B. Fisher, PhD, and Patricia Sampson Graner, PhD. (2021) .The Effects of Computerized Versus Collaborative Professional Development on Teachers’ and Students’ Performance Related to the Concept Anchoring Routine. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Jan. 2021. DOI:10.1177/0022219420988001
Jean B. Schumaker, PhD, Joseph B. Fisher, PhD. (2021). Resolving Commas Confusion: Erasing Comma Miscues and Promoting Sentence
Writing at the Same Time. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal. Vol. 26 No. 1 (2021): Special Issue–Strategies and Techniques for Teaching Secondary Students with Learning Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms. February 2021. DOI:
D. Sue Vernon , Jean B. Schumaker. (2021). Effects of Computerized Social Skills Instruction for At-Risk Adolescents. Journal of Special Education Technology. March 2021. DOI:10.1177/016264342199704320
Wenhao Wang, Kingston Neal, Gail C. Tiemann, Michael F. Hock. (2021). Applying Evidence-Centered Design in the Development of a Multidimensional Adaptive Reading Motivation Measure. Educational Measurement Issues and Practice. August 2021. DOI:10.1111/emip.1246812
Jocelyn Washburn. (2021). Reviewing Evidence on the Relations Between Oral Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension for Adolescents. Journal of Learning Disabilities. September 2021. DOI:10.1177/002221942110451228
Aceves, T.C.; Fritschmann, N.S.; Grimm, R.P. et al. Developing Early Reading Profiles for Latinx Kindergarten Students Using Typical Universal Screeners. Contemp School Psychol (2020).
Carreon, Adam; Smith, Sean; Mosher, Maggie; Rao, Kavita; Rowland, Amber Lynn (2020, Oct.) A Review of Virtual Reality Intervention Research for Students With Disabilities in K-12 Settings. Journal of Special Education Technology. DOI: 10.1177/0162643420962011
Faggella‐Luby, Michael; Lindo, Endia et. al. (2020, Aug. 31). A University–Lab School Writing Partnership Project: Benefits of Curriculum‐Based Measures and Intervention for Students With Learning Differences. The Reading Teacher. Retrieved from
Leitzel, P., Woodruff, S., & Washburn, J. (2020, Oct.) Professional learning in a virtual environment: Emerging guidance from SIM professional developers. Stratenotes, 29 (1). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., Deschaine, M., Lancaster, S., & Mellard, D. (2020). Special education funding flow patterns in virtual charter schools. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 33(1), 3-13.
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., McKeown, T. & Tonks, D. (2020). Special Issue: Inclusion in Online Learning Environments. Journal of Online Learning Research, 6(3), 171-176. Waynesville, NC USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved from
Rice, M. & Oritz, K. (2020). Perceptions of Accessibility in Online Course Materials: A Survey of Teachers from Six Virtual Schools. Journal of Online Learning Research, 6(3), 245-264. Waynesville, NC USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Retrieved March 5, 2022 from
Rowland, Amber; Smith, Sean J.; Lowrey, K. Alisa (2020, Oct. 6). Connecting Evidence-Based Writing Strategies With Readily Available Technology Solutions. Teaching Exceptional Children. Retrieved from
Rowland, Amber; Smith, Sean J.; Lowrey, K. Alisa; Abdulrahim, Naheed (2020, Apr.) Underutilized Technology Solutions for Student Writing. Intervention in School and Clinic 56(12):105345122091489. DOI:10.1177/1053451220914893Project: OSEP Stepping Up 2012-2018: WRITE
Schumaker, Jean B.; Fisher, Joseph B.; Walsh, Lisa D.; Lancaster, Paula E. (2020, Nov. 15). Effects of Multimedia versus Live Professional Development on Teachers’ and Students’ Performance Related to the Question Exploration Routine. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice. Retrieved from
Washburn, J. (2020). An Excerpt from an interview with Jim Knight. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2020, Apr.). An Interview with Jim Knight. Stratenotes, 28 (4). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Washburn, J. (2020). Solutions to challenges with technology-enhanced professional development. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2020, Dec.). Understanding Evidence Terminology to Communicate SIM Impact. Stratenotes, 29 (2). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Ortiz, K. (2019, March 13). Office of Civil Rights: Ensuring Equitable Access to Online Learning. [Blog post]. Retrieved from
Ortiz, K., & Crouse, T. (2019). Equitable Enrollment Practices: A Guide for Charter Schools. (Training Modules for Wisconsin Resource Center for Charter Schools). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., & Crouse, T. (2019). Perceptions of Parents of Children with Disabilities Attending Virtual Schools. (Guidance Document for Multi-State Parent Consortium on Online Learning). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., & Mellard, D. (2019). Policy Recommendations for Indiana State Enabled Act 567. (Guidance Document for Indiana Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2019). Individualized Education Programs: Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance, Annual Goals, Specially Designed Instruction, and Related Services in Indiana Virtual Schools. (Technical Research Report for Indiana Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2019). Parent School Choice Guidance. (Guidance Document for Indiana Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2019). Parent School Choice Guidance. (Guidance Document for Utah Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2019). Wisconsin Virtual Schools and the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act: Current Policies, Perceived Priorities, and Areas of Need. (Technical Report for Wisconsin Department of Instruction). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Curry, T., & Mellard, D. (2019). Least Restrictive Environment in Virtual Schools: A Policy Brief. (Technical Research Report for Indiana Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Rice, M., Ortiz, K., Curry, T., & Petropoulous, R. (2019). A case study of a foster parent working to support a child with multiple disabilities in a virtual school. Journal of Online Learning Research,5(2), 145–158.
Washburn, J. (2019). Be your own coach! Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2019). High leverage practices in schools. StrateNotes, 27(5). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Washburn, J. (2019). Should teachers adapt evidence-based practices? Stratenotes, 28(2). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas Center for Research on Learning.
Washburn, J. (2019). Virtual tools for coaching: Why, how, and what. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Ault, M. M. (2018). Premack Principle. In B. Frey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation. SAGE Publications.
Ault, M. M. (2018). Reinforcement. In B. Frey (Ed.), Encyclopedia of educational research, measurement, and evaluation. SAGE Publications.
Crouse, T., Ortiz, K., & Mellard, D. (2018). Special Education Considerations for Least Restrictive Environments in Virtual Schools (Technical Research Report for Utah Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative, University of Kansas.
James, J. & Whitaker, H., (2018). Expanding the palette: Ubiquitous use of technology in arts in education. (pp. 2-7). Featured Article, U.S. Department of Education Arts in Education Quarterly Newsletter. Issue 3, Volume 1, March 2018.
Ortiz, K. (2018). Understanding IDEA and other Laws Regarding Special Education. (Training Modules for Wisconsin Resource Center for Charter Schools). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2018). Special Education Considerations Zero Reject and Enrollment Practices in Virtual Schools. (Technical Research Report for Utah Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative, University of Kansas.
Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2018). The Provision of Access to Virtual Schools through Accommodations, Program Modifications, and Accessible Technology. (Technical Research Report for Utah Department of Education). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative, University of Kansas.
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2018). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in digital learning environments: Procedural safeguards and parent participation. (Training Modules for Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2018). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in digital learning environments: Zero Reject, FAPE, LRE, Non-Discriminatory Evaluation. (Training Modules for Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., Lancaster, S., Deschaine, M., & Mellard, D. (2018). A Systematic Policy Scan of Current Policies for the Provision of Special Education Services in Fully Online Statewide Virtual Schools. Lansing, MI: Michigan Virtual University.
Rice, M., & Deshler, D. (2018). Too many words, too little support. Vocabulary support in online science courses. International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 13(2).
Rice, M., Crouse, T., Ortiz, K., & Mellard, D. (2018). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in Digital Learning Environments: Individualization, accommodations, accessibility, student engagement. (Training Modules for Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Rice, M., Ortiz, K., Crouse, T., & Mellard, D. (2018). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in digital learning environments: Individualized Education Programdevelopment. (Training Modules for Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board). Lawrence, KS: Inclusive Digital Era Collaborative.
Rowland, A. (2018). Treatment Integrity. In B. Frey (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation.
Rowland, A., Ellis, J., Ball, L., Mohn, J., Schwarting, J., Ault, M., Bradley, B., Bulgren, J., & Craig-Hare, J. (2018). Understanding Genetics through Argumentation: A Unit of Study. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Unit development part of three-year grant funded by the National Science Foundation, DRL - Discovery Research K-12, (NSF Award ID# - 1316799).
Washburn, J. (2018). A Coaching focus for special educators. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2018). Collegial coaching for special educators. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2018). High Leverage Practices in Special Education: Collaboration Laminated Guide by National Professional Resources, Inc. and Council for Exceptional Children.
Washburn, J. & Billingsley, B. (2018). Leading effective meetings with professionals and families. Published in High-leverage practices in inclusive classrooms. London: Routledge Press.
Aceves, T.A., & Fritschmann, N.F. (2017). Making it count: Informing classroom instruction when monitoring students’ progress in Jeff Bakken (Ed.) Classrooms: Practices, Assessment and Improvement Strategies’. Hauppauge, NY. Nova Publishers.
Bradley, B.A. (2017). Around and around the water cycle. Science and Children, 54(6), 42 – 49.
Bradley, B.A., & Emerson, A.M. (2017). Learning about culture and teaching during an immersion study abroad program. In H. An (Ed.), Efficacy and implementation of study abroad programs for P-12 teachers (pp. 174-191). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-1057-4.ch010
Bradley, B.A., Hock, M., Brasseur-Hock, I., & Ruggles, M. (2017). So you want to flip your class? 9 guidelines to read first. New Teacher Advocate, 24(3), 16-17.
Craig-Hare, J., Ault, M., & Rowland, A. (2017). The Effect of Socioscientific Topics on Discourse within an Online Game Designed to Engage Middle School Students in Scientific Argumentation. Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH), 3(2), 110–125.
Craig-Hare, J., Rowland, A., Ault, M., & Ellis, J. D. (2017). Practicing Scientific Argumentation Through Social Media. In I. Levin & D. Tsybulsky (Eds.), Digital Tools and Solutions for Inquiry-Based STEM Learning (pp. 82–111). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Ellis, J., Rowland, A., Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Bulgren, J., & Bradley, B. (2017). Final Report for Enhancing Argumentation with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Science Practice. Funded by the National Science Foundation, DRL - Discovery Research K-12, (NSF Award ID# - 1316799).
Hock, M. F., Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Hock, A. J., & Duval, B. (2017). The Effects of a comprehensive reading program on reading outcomes for middle school students with disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2), 195-212.
Hock, M.F., Bulgren, J.A. & Brasseur-Hock, I. (2017) The Strategic Instruction Model: The less addressed aspects of effective instruction for high school students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice doi 10.1111/ldrp.12139
Kingston, N., Wang, W., Davis, M. H., Tonks, S., Tiemann, G., & Hock, M. F. (2017). Gender and grade differences on reading motivation, behavior, engagement, and achievement scales and strength of relationships among the scales. The Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation, Lawrence, KS.
Knight, D. S., Hock, M. F. & Knight, J. (2017). Designing instructional coaching. In C. M. Reigeluth, B. J. Beatty, & R. D. Myers (Eds.) Instructional-design theories and models, The learner-centered paradigm of education, Vol. IV, Routledge, New York, NY.
Knight, D., Knight, M. J., & Hock, M. F. (2017). Evaluation of video-based instructional coaching for middle school teachers: Evidence from a multiple baseline study. Educational Forum.
Knight, D., Knight, M. J., Hock, M. F., & Skrtic, T. (2017). Cost-Effectiveness of instructional coaching: Implementing a design-based, continuous improvement model to advance teacher professional development in middle schools. Educational Forum.
Kreuger, K. & James, J. (2017). Digital Equity: The civil rights issue of our time. In B. Shark, A., The digital journey in K-12 education: Overcoming roadblocks and embracing innovation. (pp. 213-228). Washington, D.C.: Public Technology Institute.
Krueger, K. & James, J. (2017) Digital Equity: The civil rights issue of our time. Principal. March/April 2017.
Myers, S. (2017). Virtual communities of practice: A study of capacity-building professional learning for teachers (Doctoral dissertation).
Ortiz, K., Rice, M., & Smith, S. (2017). Roles and Responsibilities of Parents of Virtual School Students with Disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities, University of Kansas.
Rice, M., Smith, S. & Ortiz, K. (2017). Parents’ Perceptions of Social/Emotional Support for their Children with Disabilities in Fully Online Schools. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities, University of Kansas.
Rowland, A., Craig-Hare, J., Ault, M., Ellis, J., & Bulgren, J. (2017). Social media: How the next generation can practice argumentation. Educational Media International, 3987(August), 1– 13.
Smith, S., Ortiz, K., & Rice, M. (2017). Mapping the Movement of Special Education services when Students with IEPs Enroll in Online Learning Environments. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities, University of Kansas.
Washburn, J. (2017). Coaching: A Service for yourself. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Washburn, J. (2017). Contributor to Research Synthesis for HLP 2 (pp. 30-31, Published in McLeskey, J., Barringer, M-D., Billingsley, B., Brownell, M., Jackson, D., Kennedy, M., Lewis T. Maheady, L., Rodriquez, J., Scheeler, M.C., Winn, J., & Ziegler, D. (2017, January). High-leverage practices in special education. Arlington, VA: Council for Exceptional Children & CEEDAR Center.
Washburn, J. (2017). Teaching secondary students literacy skills for content learning. In J. Bakken (Ed.), Classrooms: Academic content and behavior strategy instruction for students with and without disabilities. Hauppauge, NY: NOVA Science Publishers.
Xie, J., Basham, J.D., Marino, M.T., & Rice, M.F. (2017) Reviewing research on mobile learning in k-12 educational settings: Implications for students with disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology. doi:10.1177/0162643417732292
Aceves, T.A., & Fritschmann, N.S. (2016). A focus on content enhancement routines. Current Practice Alerts. 24, 1-6.
Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., & Frey, B. (2016). The Impact of a Racing Feature on Middle School Science Students’ Performance in an Educational Game: International Journal of Game- Based Learning, 6(3), 18–33. doi:10.4018/IJGBL.2016070102
Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Ellis, J. D., Bulgren, J., Kretschmer, I., & Frey, B. B. (2016). Using Reason Racer to Support Argumentation in Middle School Science Instruction. In M. J. Urban & D. A. Falvo (Eds.), Improving K-12 STEM Education Outcomes through Technological Integration (pp. 399–431). doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-9616-7.ch018
Basham, J. D., Carter Jr, R. A., Rice, M. F., & Ortiz, K. (2016). Emerging state policy in online special education. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(2), 70-78.
Basham, J. D., Hall, T. E., Carter, Jr., R. A., & Stahl, W. M. (2016). An operationalized definition of personalized learning. Journal of Special Education Technology. DOI: 10.1177/0162643416660835
Basham, J.D., Carter, R.A., Rice, M.F., Ortiz, K. (2016). Emerging State Policy in Online Special Education. Journal of Special Education Leadership.
Basham, J.D., Smith, S.J., Satter, A.L. (2016). Universal design for learning: Scanning for alignment in K-12 blended and fully online learning materials. Journal of Special Education Technology. DOI: 10.1177/0162643416660836
Bell, S. D., Smith, S. J., & Basham, J. D. (2016). Case in point: A statewide blended learning initiative for students with disabilities: What makes it work? A director's perspective. Journal of Special Education Leadership, 29(2), 113-116.
Belo, N., McKenny, S., Voogt, J., Bradley, B. (2016). Teacher knowledge for using technology to foster early literacy: A literature review. Computers in Human Behavior, 60, 372 – 383. DOI: 10.1016/jchb.2016.02.053
Bradley, B.A. (2016). Integrating the curriculum to engage and challenge children. Young Children, 71(3), 8 – 16.
Bradley, B.A., Colwell, J., & Spearman, M. (2016). Developing a faculty-led study abroad. In J. A. Rhodes & T.M. Milby (Eds.), Advancing Teacher Education and Curriculum Development through Study Abroad Programs (pp. 1 – 21). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9672-3.ch001
Colwell, J. Nielsen, D.C., Bradley, B.A., & Spearman, M. (2016). Pre-service teacher reflections about a short-term summer study abroad experience. In J. A. Rhodes & T.M. Milby (Eds.), Advancing Teacher Education and Curriculum Development through Study Abroad Programs (pp. 90 – 110). Hershey, PA: IGI Global Publications. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-9672-3.ch006
Craig-Haare, J., Rowland, A., Ellis, J., Bulgren, J., Ault, M., & Bradley, B. (2016). Content Enhancement Series by Center for Research on Learning; Available on CRL website. Argumentation Essay Scoring Rubric.
Craig-Hare, J., Rowland, A., Ellis, J., Bulgren, J., Ault, M., & Bradley, B. (2016). Argumentation essay scoring rubric. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Rubric used for demonstrating acquired scientific argumentation concepts
Ellis, J., Rowland, A., Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Bulgren, J., & Bradley, B. (2016). Annual Report for Enhancing Argumentation with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Science Practice. Funded by the National Science Foundation, DRL - Discovery Research K-12, (NSF Award ID# - 1316799).
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Brussow, J. & Supon Carter, K. (2016). Measuring the quality of professional development training. Professional Development in Education. DOI: 10.1080/1941525.2016.1179665.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Supon Carter, K., McGurn, L., & Purifoy, E. (2015). The Team Functioning Scale: Evaluating and improving effectiveness of school teams. International Journal of Educational Research, 69, 1-11
McKenney, S. & Bradley, B. (2016). Assessing teacher beliefs about early literacy curriculum implementation. Early Child Development and Care, 186(9), 1415 – 1428. 10.1080/03004430.2015.1096784
Myers, S. & Vest, J. (2016). From Lenin to Lennon: Using music to revive the classics. In L. Johnson & C. Goering (Eds.) Recontextualized: A framework for teaching English with music (pp. 113-128). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Ortiz, K., Nicholis, M. (2016). National Review of Online Learning Guidance and Policy. Equity Matters: Digital & Online Learning for Students with Disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities.
Price, L.H., & Bradley, B.A. (2016). Revitalizing Read Alouds: Interactive Talk About Books With Young Children, PreK-2. Teachers College Press.
Rice, M., Ortiz, K. (2016). Challenges, Opportunities, and Lingering Questions. Equity Matters: Digital & Online Learning for Students with Disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities.
Rowland, A., & Craig-Hare, J. (2016). How the Next Generation Can Practice Argumentation: Social Media and Gaming. Research paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Technology in Education (ISTE), Denver, CO
Smith, S. J. & Rowland, A. (2016). Improving Technology Applications Through Writing Instruction: Multi-tasking at its best. Closing the Gap. Oct/Nov 2016 35(4): 9-14.
Smith, S. J., Basham, J. D., Rice, M. & Carter, Jr. R. A. (2016). Preparing special education teachers for online learning: findings from a survey of teacher educators. Journal of Special Education Technology. doi:10.1177/0162643416660834
Smith, S.J., Basham, J.D., Hall, T (2016) The emerging field of online special education. Journal of Special Education Technology. doi:10.1177/0162643416660839
Washburn, J. (2016). Partner for effective instruction, Part II. Aspiring Special Education Leaders Newsletter. Richmond, VA: Virginia Department of Education.
Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Frey, B., Ellis, J. D., & Bulgren, J. (2015). The Effectiveness of Reason Racer, a Game Designed to Engage Middle School Students in Scientific Argumentation. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 47(1), 21–40. doi:10.1080/15391523.2015.967542
Basham, J.D., Stahl, S., Ortiz, K., Rice, M.F., & Smith, S. (2015). Equity Matters: Digital & Online Learning for Students with Disabilities. Lawrence, KS: Center on Online Learning and Students with Disabilities.
Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Deshler, D. D., & Hock, M. F. (2015). Reading comprehension instruction for middle and high school students in English language arts: Research and evidence-based practices. K.L. Santi, & D.K. Reed (Eds.), Improving Reading Comprehension of Middle and High School Students, Literacy Studies 2nd Ed., 10, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-14735-2_5
Bulgren, J., & Ellis, J. (2015). The Argumentation and Evaluation Guide: Encouraging NGSS-based critical thinking. Science Scope, 38 (7), 78–85.
Deshler, D. D. (2015). Moving in the right direction but at what speed, and how smoothly? Remedial and Special Education, 36(2), 72-77.
Ellis, J. D., Rowland, A., Ault, M., Hare, J. Craig, Bulgren, J., & Bradley, B. (2015). Annual Report to DRL- Discovery Research K-12 of the National Science Foundation for Enhancing Argumentation with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Science Practice (NSF award #1316799).
Ellis, J., Bulgren, J., Rowland, A., Craig-Hare, J., Ault, M., & Bradley, B. (2015). Argumentation and evaluation writing assignment scoring rubric. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Rubric used for demonstrating acquired scientific argumentation concepts.
Ellis, J., Rowland, A., Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Bulgren, J., & Bradley, B. (2015). Annual Report for Enhancing Argumentation with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Science Practice. Funded by the National Science Foundation, DRL - Discovery Research K-12, (NSF Award ID# - 1316799).
Frey, B.B., Ellis, J.D., Bulgren, J.A., Craig Hare, J. & Ault, M. (2015). Development of a test of scientific argumentation. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 19, (4), 1-18.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Supon Carter, K., McGurn, L., & Purifoy, E. (2015). The Team Functioning Scale: Evaluating and improving effectiveness of school teams. International Journal of Educational Research, 69, 1-11.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Zheng, C., & Brussow, J.A. (2015). The relationship between self-determination and academic achievement for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 36, 45-54.
Greer, D.L., Harvey, D., Burdette, P., Basham, J.D. (2015). FAPE and LRE in online learning: Special education directors’ perspectives. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, 53-71.
Hock, M. F., & Brasseur-Hock, I. F. (2015). Comprehension instruction for at-risk students. In S.R. Paris, D. Fisher, & K. Headley (Eds.) Adolescent literacy, Field tested: Effective solutions for every classroom, 2nd Ed. The International Reading Association.
Hock, M. F., Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Hock, A. J., & Duval, B. (2015). The Effects of a comprehensive reading program on reading outcomes for middle school students with disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 50(2), 195-212.
Hock, M. F., Brasseur, I. F., & Deshler, D. D. (2015). Possible selves and learners. In S. Lopez & A. Beauchamp, (Eds.), The encyclopedia of positive psychology 2nd Ed. Oxford, England: Blackwell Publishing.
Hock, M.F., & Brasseur-Hock, I. F. (2015). Comprehension instruction for at-risk students. In S.R. Paris, D. Fisher, & K. Headley (Eds.) Adolescent literacy, Field tested: Effective solutions for every classroom, 2nd Ed. The International Reading Association.
Knight, J., Elford, M., Hock, M. F., Dunekack, D., Bradley, B., Deshler, D. D., & Knight, D. (2015). 3 steps to great coaching: A simple but powerful instructional coaching cycle nets results. JSD The Learning Forward Journal, 36(1), 10-20.
Knight, J., Elford, M.D., Hock, M.F., Dunekack, D., Bradley, B., Deshler, D.D., & Knight, D. (2015). The Instructional Coaching Cycle: Essential Skills for Instructional Coaches. Journal of Staff Development, 36(1), 10 – 18.
Noonan, P.M., Gaumer Erickson, A.S. & Stanley, J. (in press). Collaboration to improve transportation. Journal of Rehabilitation.
Rowland, A., Ellis, J., Craig-Hare, J., Ault, M., Bradley, B., Bulgren, J. (2015). Social Media for Learning: Platform Preferences, Digital Citizenship and Authenticity. Paper presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Philadelphia, PA.
Ault, M., (2014). How games can engage students and improve learning. eSchool News: Daily Tech News & Innovation. Retrieved from
Bulgren, J. A., Ellis, J. D., & Marquis, J. G. (2014). The use and effectiveness of an Argumentation and Evaluation Intervention in science classes. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 23 (1), 82–97.
Ellis, J., Rowland, A., Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Bulgren, J., & Bradley, B. (2014). Annual Report for Enhancing Argumentation with Social Media: Supporting Teacher Professional Learning and Student Science Practice. Funded by the National Science Foundation, DRL - Discovery Research K-12, (NSF Award ID# - 1316799).
Gaumer Erickson, A.S. (2014). Evaluating the quality of professional development. American Evaluation Association Tip-a-Day. Available at
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Brussow, J.A., & Gilpin, B. (2014). The impact of IDEA Indicator 13 compliance on postsecondary outcomes. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 37, 161-167.
Greer, D. L., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. J. (2014). Critical considerations for teaching students with disabilities in online environments. TEACHING Exceptional Children. May/June 2014 46: 79-91.
Greer, D., Deshler, D. D., & Rice, M. (2014). Principles of text complexity to online environments. Perspectives on language and learning. Winter, 9-15.
Greer, D.L., Smith, S.J., Basham, J.D., (2014). Practitioners’ perceptions of their knowledge, skills, competencies in online teaching of students with and without disabilities. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals, 150-165.
Harvey, D., Greer, D., Basham, J. & Hu, B. (2014). From the student perspective: Experiences of middle and high school students in online learning. American Journal of Distance Education. 28, 14-26.
Hock, M. F., Brasseur-Hock, I. B., & Deshler, D. D. (2014). Responding to the needs of adolescents with severe reading disabilities. New England Reading Association Journal, 49(2), 9-18.
Knight, J. (2014). Focus on teaching: Using video for high-impact instruction. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Marino, M.T., Becht, K., Vasquez, E. Gallup, J.L., Basham, J.D. Gallegos B. (2014) Enhancing secondary science content accessibility with video games. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47, 27-34.
Marino, M.T., Gotch, C.M., Israel, M, Vasquez, E., Basham, J.D., Becht, K. (2014). UDL in the middle school science classroom: Can video games and alternative text heighten engagement and learning for students with learning disabilities? Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 37, 87-99.
Noonan, P. (2014). Transition Teaming: 26 strategies for interagency collaboration. Council for Exceptional Children, Division of Career Development and Transition.
Noonan, P.M., Gaumer Erickson, A.S., McCall, Z., Frey, B., & Zheng, C. (2014). Evaluating Change in Interagency Collaboration of a State-Level Interagency Education Team: A Social Network Approach within a Utilization-Focused Framework. Educational Assessment, Evaluation & Accountability DOI 10.1007/s11092-014-9193-2.
Rowland, A., Craig-Hare, J., Ault, M., Bradley, B. & Ellis, J. (2014). Our Claim: Social Media Might Facilitate The Practice Of Scientific Argumentation. Paper presentation given at the annual meeting of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). Atlanta, GA.
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Smith, S.J. & Basham, J. (2014). Designing online learning opportunities for students with disabilities. Teaching Exceptional Children, 1-11.
Zheng, C., Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Kingston, N., & Noonan, P.M. (2014). The relationship among self-determination, self-concept, and academic achievement. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47, 462-474.
Bradley, B., Knight, J., Harvey, S., Hock, M., Knight, D., Skrtic, T., Brasseur-Hock, I., & Deshler, D. (2013). Improving instructional coaching to support middle school teachers in the United States. In T. Plomp, & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research – Part B: Introduction and illustrative cases. pp. 299-318). Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO.
Basham, J. D., & Marino, M. (2013). Understanding STEM education and supporting students with universal design for learning. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 8-15.
Basham, J.D., Smith, S.J., Greer, D.L., and Marino, M.T. (2013). The scaled arrival of K-12 online education: Emerging realities and implications for the future of education. Journal of Education, 193(2), 51-59.
Bradley, B., Knight, J., Harvey, S., Hock, M., Knight, D., Skrtic, T., Brasseur-Hock, I., & Deshler, D. (2013). Improving instructional coaching to support middle school teachers in the United States. In T. Plomp, & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research – Part B: Illustrative cases (pp. 299-318). Enschede, the Netherlands: SLO.
Bradley, B.A. (2013). A formative experiment to enhance teacher-child interactions in a preschool classroom. In T. Plomp & N. Nieveen (Eds). Educational design research: Introduction and illustrative cases. Enschede, The Netherlands: SLO, Netherlands Institute for Curriculum Development.
Bulgren, J. A., Graner, P. S., & Deshler, D. D. (2013). Literacy and challenges for students with learning disabilities in social studies and history. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 28(1), 17-27.
Bulgren, J.A., Marquis, J.G., Deshler, D.D., Lenz, B.K., & Schumaker, J.B. (2013). The use and effectiveness of a question exploration routine in secondary-level English language arts classrooms. Learning Disabilities: Research and Practice, 28(4), 156-169.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S. & Noonan, P. (2013). College and Career Competency Framework. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., Brussow, J.A., & Gilpin, B. (2013). The impact of district Indicator 13 compliance on post-school outcomes. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals. DOI: 10.1177/2165143413481497
Hock, M. F., Brasseur-Hock, I. F., & Deshler, D. D. (2013). Evidence supporting the Fusion Reading program. Chicago, IL: McGraw-Hill Education.
Israel, M. Marino, M.T., & Basham, J.D., Spivak, W. (2013). Fifth graders as app designers: How diverse learns conceptualize education apps. Journal of Research on Technology Education, 46(1), 53-80.
Kennedy, M. J., Deshler, D. D., & Lloyd J. W. (2013). Effects of multi-media vocabulary instruction on adolescents with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Knight, J. (2013). High-impact instruction: A framework for great teaching. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Noonan, P.M., Gaumer Erickson, A.S., & Morningstar, M.E. (2013). Effects of community transition teams on interagency collaboration for school and adult agency staff. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 36, 96-104.
Rowland, A., Smith, S. & Basham, J. (2013). Integrating Technology through Universally Designed Professional Learning. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2013. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
Ault, M., Craig-Hare, J., Bulgren, J. & Ellis, J. (2012). Analysis of a game feature designed to heighten engagement and learning. In P. Resta (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2012 (pp. 2462-2466). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved January 1, 2013 from
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Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Deshler, D. D., & Hock, M. F. (2012). Reading comprehension instruction for middle and high school students in English language arts: Research and evidence-based practices. In K. Santi & D. Reed (Eds.). Improving comprehension instruction for middle and high school students.
Carnahan, C., Basham, J. D., Christman, J., & Hollingshead, A. (2012). Overcoming challenges: Going mobile with your own video models. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(2), 50-59.
Craig Hare, J., & Ault, M. (2012, March). Supporting scientific argumentation in the classroom. In Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (Vol. 2012, No. 1, pp. 2495-2497). Gaumer Erickson, A. S., Noonan, P. M., & McCall, Z (2012). Effectiveness of online professional development for rural special educators. Rural Special Education Quarterly 3, 22-32.
Gaumer Erickson, A. S., Zheng, C., Kingston, N., & Noonan, P. M. (2012). The relationship among self-determination, self-concept, and academic achievement for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., & Jenson, R. (2012). The School Implementation Scale: Measuring implementation in response to intervention models. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal, 10(2), 33-52.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Noonan, P.M., & McCall, Z. (2012). Effectiveness of online professional development for rural special educators. Rural Special Education Quarterly, 31, 22-32.
Gaumer Erickson, A.S., Soukup, J.H., & Noonan, P. (2012). College and Career Competency Wheel. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Center for Research on Learning. Derived in part from Pelligrino, J.W. & Hilton, M.L. (Eds.). 92012) Education for Life and Work: Developing Transferable Knowledge and Skills in the 21st Century. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.
Haydon, T., Hawkins, R., Basham, J., Denune, H., Kimener, L., & McCoy, D. (2012). A comparison of iPads and worksheets on math skills of 9th grade students with emotional disorders. Behavioral Disorders, 37(4), 232-243.
Hock, M. F. (2012). Effective instruction for adults with specific learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Special Issue. Adults with specific learning disabilities: The adult education perspective. Spring 2012.
Knight, J. Bradley, B.A., Hock, M., Skrtic, T.A., Knight, D., Brasseur-Hock, I., ... Hatton, C. (2012). Record, replay, reflect: Video taped lessons accelerate learning for teachers and coaches. Journal of Staff Development, 33(2), 18-23.
Knight, J. M., & Hock, M. F. (2012). Instructional Coaching: Establishing partnerships for effective teacher professional learning. In B. Beatty (Ed.) Volume IV of instructional design theories and models.
Knight, J. M., Bradley, B. A., Hock, M. F., Skrtic, T. M., Knight, D., Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Clark, J., Ruggles, M., & Hatton, C. (2012). Record, replay, reflect: Videotaped lessons accelerate learning for teachers and coaches. Journal of Staff Development, 33(2), 18-23.
Knight, J., Bradley, B., Hock, M. Skritc, T., Knight, D., Brasseur-Hock, I., Deshler, D., Ruggles, M., & Hatton, C. (2012), Record, replay, reflect: Videotaped lessons accelerate learning for teachers and coaches. The Journal of Staff Development, 33(2), 18 – 23.
Lillenstein, J., Fritschmann, N.S., & Moran, L. (2012). Pennsylvania’s Secondary RtII Initiative: Impact of a multi-tiered system of support in middle schools. Perspectives on Language and Literacy, 38(2), 20-29.
Marino, M. T., Israel, M., Beecher, C. C., & Basham, J. D. (2012). Students' and teachers' perceptions of using videogames to enhance science instruction. Journal of Science Education and Technology. DOI 10.1007/s10956-012-9421-9
Mellard, D. F., & Fall, E. (2012). Component model of reading comprehension for adults with low literacy. Learning Disability Quarterly, 35(1), 10-23.
Mellard, D. F., Krieshok, T., Fall, E., & Woods, K. (2012). Dispositional factors affecting motivation during learning in adult basic and secondary education programs. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. Online First at DOI 10.1007/s11145-012- 9413-3
Mellard, D. F., Prewett, S., & Deshler, D. D. (2012). Strong leadership for RTI success. Principal Leadership, 12(8), 28-34.
Mellard, D. F., Woods, K., & Md Desa, Z. D. (2012). An oral reading fluency assessment for young adult career and technical education students. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 27(3), 125-135.
Mitchell, B. B., Deshler, D. D., & Lenz, B. K. (2012). Examining the role of the special educator in a response to intervention model, Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal. 10(2), 53-74.
Noonan, P. (2012). When do I call 911? In A. S. Gaumer Erickson, G. M. Clark, & J. R. Patton (Eds.), Informal assessments for transition planning (2nd ed.). Austin, TX: PRO-ED.
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Noonan, P., & Morningstar, M. M. (2012). Effective strategies for interagency collaboration. In M. L. Wehmeyer & K. W. Webb (Eds.), Handbook of adolescent transition education for youth with disabilities (pp. 312-328). New York, NY: Routledge.
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