Behind Our Research
Jocelyn Washburn
What do you do at KUCRL?
I work at KUCRL as the Director of the Professional Development Research Institute, home to the SIM Professional Developers Network, and as a Senior Associate Researcher. My leadership responsibilities include sharing advancements in SIM interventions and tools, delivering high-quality professional learning experiences through PD and coaching, and directly supporting state, regional, and national SIM update conferences. Additionally, I provide support and leadership in research proposal conceptualization, the development of research partnerships internal and external to KU, and the implementation of research methodology. Formerly, I coordinated literacy improvement efforts in Virginia.
What attracted you to working at KUCRL?
SIM has been a central part of my career since becoming a high school special education teacher nearly 20 years ago. I have always appreciated the research of others, and as my career focus evolved into a desire to contribute to a research body myself, the position at KUCRL opened the door to combining both worlds dear to my passions.
What are your hopes as you look forward to the future of your work?
When I look to the future of my work, I hope we are able to enhance professional learning experiences and implementation options for teachers to include technology. Like a solid house with a modern remodel or a favorite song from a tape cassette played on my iPhone, I want SIM interventions and tools to be relevant for today’s and tomorrow’s teachers and students.
What inspires you?
I have a few internal mantras that inspire me and carry me forward. I wish this weren’t Nike’s slogan because it would be mine: just do it. When a vision, a hope, or a dream is present, figure out the first step and take it! Another is “accept, then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it… This will miraculously transform your whole life” by Eckhart Tolle. This mantra took some reflection to realize its full meaning. It is really anchored in problem-solving and not in giving up.