Donald D. Deshler, PhD

- Professor Emeritus
Contact Info
Biography —
Don Deshler is the Williamson Family Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Special Education and the previous director of the Center for Research on Learning (CRL) at the University of Kansas. Deshler serves as an advisor on adolescent achievement to several organizations including the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the National Governor's Association, the Alliance for Excellent Education, the Council on Families and Literacy, and the U. S. State Department. Through the Aspen Institute, he has worked with members of Congress to shape policies addressing the challenges of high school reform. Deshler was the first editor of the Learning Disability Quarterly. Among the awards he has received are the J.E. Wallace Wallin Award from CEC, the Maxwell J. Schleifer Distinguished Service Award, the Higuchi Research Achievement Award, the Distinguished Education Achievement Award from National Center for Learning Disabilities, the Educator of the Year Award from the Learning Disabilities Association, and the 2010 AERA Special Education Distinguished Researcher Award.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Bradley, B., Knight, J., Harvey, S., Hock, M., Knight, D., Skrtic, T., Brassuer-Hock, I., & Deshler, D. (2013). Improving instructional coaching to support middle school teachers in the United States [Book Chapters]. In T. Plomp & N. Nieveen (Eds.), Educational design research – Part B: Introduction and illustrative cases (pp. 299–319). SLO.