Ling Zhang

- Affiliate Researcher
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Biography —
Dr. Ling Zhang is an Associate Researcher at the Center for Research on Learning and Center for Innovation, Design, and Digital Learning at the University of Kansas (KU). Dr. Zhang earned her doctoral degree in Special Education from KU, with a specialization in Instructional Design, Technology, and Innovation. Her research interests include design, development, and evaluation of technology-supported personalized learning experiences, application of Universal Design for Learning, and innovative use of technology to support students with and without disabilities in diverse educational settings. She has assisted in multiple federal grant application and implementation. For example, she supported the development and submission of an Institute of Educational Science grant that proposed to develop an online reading program for struggling learners. She has coordinated an Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) funded center that aims to improve innovative use of educational technologies in teacher preparation programs at higher education institutes. Dr. Zhang has published multiple research articles on personalized learning, blended learning, and personalized professional development in high impact journals, such as Educational Research Review, Computers and Education, Teaching and Teacher Education, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, and Journal of Special Education Technology.
Education —
Selected Publications —
Zhang, L., Jackson, H. A., Yang, S., Basham, J. D., Hunt, C. L., & Carter, A. R, Jr. (2021). Codesign learning environments guided by the framework of UDL: A case study. Learning Environments Research.
Zhang, L., Jackson, H. A., Hunt, T. L., Carter, R. A., Jr., Yang, S., & Emerling, R. C. (2021). Maximizing learning management systems to support mathematical problem solving in online learning. TEACHING Exceptional Children.
Zhang, L., Basham, J. D., Carter, A. R, Jr., & Zhang, J. (2021). Exploring factors that impact student-centered instructional practices in U.S. classrooms. Teaching and Teacher Education, 99.
Zhang, L., Carter, R. A., Jr., Zhang, J., Hunt, T. L., Emerling, R, C., Yang, S., & Xu, F. (2021). Educator perceptions of effective professional development: insights for design. Professional Development in Education.
Zhang, L., Basham, J. D., & Yang, S. (2020). Understanding the implementation of personalized learning: A research synthesis. Educational Research Review.