Suzanne Myers, EdD

- Associate Director, KU Center for Research on Learning
- Assistant Research Professor
Contact Info
1200 Sunnyside Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66045-3101
Biography —
Suzanne “Suzy” Myers joined KUCRL in 2018. She has worked in the education field for more than 20 years as a high school English teacher, District Curriculum Coordinator, and State Education Agency Coordinator for Academic Standards and Leader of K-12 ELA Standards and Assessment. She is National Board Certified in Adolescent/Young Adult English Language Arts. Her current work and research centers on secondary literacy instruction, digital/connective literacies, adaptive professional learning, and virtual instructional coaching. Her work has been funded by the U.S. Department of Education, the Library of Congress, and various state agencies and educational organizations. She has served as Principal Investigator or Co-Principal Investigator on grants totaling more than $34 Million.
Education —
Research —
Research Interests
- Virtual and on-site instructional coaching
- Virtual and on-site professional learning
- Adaptive professional learning
- Adolescent literacy
- Connective and digital adolescent literacies
- Writing instruction
Selected Publications —
Washburn, J., Myers, S., & Tralli, R. (Under Review). Leading sustainable school initiatives: A Case study of an implementation team integrating the Strategic Instruction Model into their school infrastructure.
Myers, S., Washburn, J., Rowland, A., & Smith, S. (In press, Teacher Development). Developing an adaptive professional learning model: Educator insights on their infrastructure needs.
Washburn, J. & Myers, S. (2023). Adolescents’ perspectives about their connective and digital literacies skills. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy.
Rowland, A., Myers, S., Elford, M. & Smith, S. (2023). Coaching Virtually to Support Professional Learning. Journal of Special Education and Technology. 38(1).75-85.
Myers, S. & Washburn, J. (2022). Increasing Teacher Access to Instructional Coaching Through Virtual Tools: Advantageous Before, During, and After the Pandemic. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 30(3), 1-29.
Myers, S., Rowland, A., Elford, M (2022) Implementing a Virtual Coaching Model for Teacher Professional Development. IGI Global.
Myers, S. (2017). Virtual communities of practice: A study of capacity-building professional learning for teachers (Doctoral dissertation).
Myers, S. & Vest, J. (2016). From Lenin to Lennon: Using music to revive the classics. In L. Johnson & C. Goering (Eds.) Recontextualized: A framework for teaching English with music (pp. 113-128). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Oertel, S., Seeger, V., & Shaw, K. (2014) Kansas ELA College and Career Ready Standards: Best Practices and Misconceptions, Kansas Journal of Reading, 30.
Service —
She currently serves on the Executive Leadership Committee, Kansas Board of Regents Blueprint for Literacy Gubernatorial appointee, Kansas Board of Regents Blueprint for Literacy Advisory Council, and Kansas English Editorial Review Board