Yan Wei

- Affiliate Researcher
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Yan Wei serves as an affiliate researcher at the Center for Research on Learning at the University of Kansas (KU). She is currently an associate professor of special education at Southern Connecticut State University. Her research interests focus on adolescent reading instruction for students with learning disabilities, including motivation instruction, evidence-based reading instruction, and remediate reading programs in Tier 3 intensified classrooms. Dr. Wei is also passionate about transition planning and exploring general motivational interventions to engage students in the transition process. Additionally, she is devoted to fostering a culturally diverse learning environment and culturally responsive instruction for multilingual learners with learning disabilities. Dr. Wei is a principal investigator, co-PI, and research coordinator in multiple research studies, including a co-PI on IES-funded research, ‘Improving Transition Outcomes for High School Students with Learning Disabilities.”
Education —
Selected Publications —
Wei. Y., Hovey, K., Gerzel-Short, L., Miller, R., Kelly, J., Hsiao, Y., (2022). Culturally Responsive and High Leverage Practices: Facilitating Effective Instruction for ELs with Learning Disabilities. TESOL Journal, e697.
Wei.Y., Hovey, K., Gerzel-Short, L., Hsiao, Y., Miller, R., & Kelly, J. (2022). Self-Determination Strategies for Students with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals. Online publication.
Wei, Y., Spear-Swerling, L., & Mercurio M. (2021). One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Motivational Strategies for Adolescents and Students with Disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 56(3), 155-162.
Spear-Swerling, Wei. Y., Dostoal. H., & Hernandaz. B. (2020). The Print Exposure of Teacher Candidates in Relation to their Achievement and Self-ratings of Early Reading Experience. Reading and Writing. 33(8), 2097-2119.