Project iSTAR: An Integrated Strategic Technology-based Adaptive wRiting Program

About the Project

Project iSTAR will integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into an existing technology-based writing program designed for adolescents with disabilities (ASWDs). As part of the Strategic Instruction Model's (SIM™) programs to improve outcomes for ASWDs, iSTAR will provide ASWDs, their teachers, and their families equitable web-based access to engaging, evidence-based writing instructional support that provides quick, ongoing feedback and adapts based on ASWD’s learning needs, preferences, interests, and contexts. Long-term outcomes include gains in ASWD scores on local writing measures, improved family-school engagement in writing skill development, broad use of iSTAR throughout the U.S., and supported sustainability through SIM professional development (PD) support and micro-credentialing. Design-based implementation research (DBIR) processes will guide iterative development. By the end of Year 5, iSTAR will have impacted more than 10 schools across the U.S., an average of 40 teachers serving approximately 160 ASWDs. A detailed logic model, management plan, and evaluation plan will ensure the team makes continuous progress toward providing quality products and services for ASWDs, their teachers, leaders, and families.

Contact for more information.

iStar will be a digital platform to support teachers implementing these two SIM Writing Strategies:


  • Bonnie Palasak

    Bonnie Palasak, M.Ed.

    Research Project Coordinator

Contents of this website were developed under a US Department of Education, OSEP Stepping-Up Technology Implementation Education Grant H327S240011. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.
Project Officer, Anita Vermeer
© 2024 iSTAR: An Integrated Strategic, Technology-based Adaptive wRiting Program. All rights reserved.

IDEAs that Work Logo, Office of Special Education Programs U.S. Department of Education